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find-out-more Flight of the STS-107 space shuttle
Posted in: News | by Brian Taylor | 2003 Feb 02
STS-107 space shuttle crew
STS-107 was a space shuttle mission by NASA using the Space Shuttle Columbia, launched January 16, 2003. This was a multi-disciplinary microgravity and Earth science research mission with a multitude of international scientific investigations conducted continuously during 16 days in orbit.

The seven-member crew died on February 1, 2003 when the shuttle disintegrated during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. The cause of the accident was determined to be a piece of foam that broke off during launch and damaged the thermal protection system components (reinforced carbon-carbon panels and thermal protection tiles) on the leading edge of the left wing of the Shuttle orbiter, causing an extensive heat build-up. During re-entry the damaged wing slowly overheated and came apart, eventually leading to loss of control and total disintegration of the vehicle.

STS-107 carried the SPACEHAB Double Research Module on its inaugural flight, the Freestar experiment (mounted on a Hitchhiker Program rack), and the Extended Duration Orbiter pallet.

One of the experiments, a video taken to study atmospheric dust, may have detected a new atmospheric phenomenon, dubbed a ”TIGER” (Transient Ionospheric Glow Emission in Red).[1]

On board the Columbia was a copy of a drawing by Petr Ginz, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Vedem, who depicted what he imagined the Earth looked like from the Moon when he was a 14-year-old prisoner in the Terezin concentration camp. The copy was in the possession of Ilan Ramon and was lost in the crash.
note to our readers: This news article was the inspiration for this site. We at SpaceFlights wish to honor the valeint work of the people at NASA by continuing to bring information to inspire the next generation breaking down the technological beariors that are holding us back.

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